Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ouzel becomes a famous model

Hello Everyone:
Here is the rolled brim hat I made in our
most recent knitting class.

I decided to make mine out of cotton, the hat above is 100%
wool, but it's also somewhat scratchy.

As soon as I finished my hat, Ouzel wanted to wear it.

Within hours she was a famous canine model!

Although offered a contract in New York, Ouzel
declined because she just couldn't leave her

And here she is in another pose showing the elegant
stitches and the fabulous fit.

When I was reorganizing my knitting bag, I laid out
the poncho I'm working on, and Milo promptly lay
down on top of it.

I leave you with an art shot of Milo. I know
his eyes are black pits, and he looks slightly
demonic.  It's his Halloween costume. 

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